Address Verification

New Address

If your project or permit does not yet have an established address, please contact Mecklenburg County GIS Addressing at 704-336-6175.​​

Temporary Addresses

In certain limited circumstances, it is not possible to provide a permanent address at the time of the submittal of the OnSchedule application. In these instances, it is possible to work with Addressing to create a temporary address in order to begin the process. The temporary address will be used ONLY during the plan review process. Permanent addresses must be established prior to permitting.

Types of Projects eligible for temporary address:

  • Projects that require Multi-Family approval

  • Projects that require Subdivision approval

  • Projects that require Planning approval

Before You Start

  • Verifications for New Construction must be obtained from Addressing, either at the Addressing Counter, or by request.

  • If there is a suite number/unit number associated with your address, it must already be in the database; otherwise, you will still need to contact Addressing for a verification form, and to have the unit number entered into the address database.

  • Check all your information carefully before completing the form. Incorrect or false information will only cause further delays and will result in a charge if the address on an issued permit must be changed.

The verification form must be submitted with the following:

  • CTAC plan submittal

  • OnSchedule/Express Review application form

Create the Address Verification Form

Search for your address using the instructions listed. Be sure to check for your specific suite or unit number, if needed. Once you have determined that the address you need is in the database, you are ready to create and print the Address Verification Form.