BDC Quarterly Bulletin - April 18, 2023
The Mecklenburg Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) appoints the Building-Development Commission (BDC) as an advisory board to Code Enforcement. Membership includes representation from the design, construction and development communities, as well as the public. Check out and go to “About Us” for more information. Contact your representative if you have any specific issues you would like the BDC to consider.
The following is a brief summary of significant matters impacting the design and construction community on which the Building Development Commission and the Code Enforcement Department have focused on from January 1, 2023, through March 30, 2023. Further details on each of these follows:
1. FY24 Budget Proposal
2. County Web Design Changes
The budget presentation began with the description of revenue from the FY23 Budget (revenue and expenses) forecasting of current measures and discussions of impacts to the FY24 Budget and concluded with description of the FY24 proposed budget. The presentation included specifics on FY24 budget prep work, forecasting, discussions on the new line item for professional services, new fee structure for Special Events and adjustments within technology.
At the conclusion of the FY24 Budget Presentation, Chairman, Aaron Moody shared with the Building Development Commission, “I move that the BDC support the Code Enforcement proposed FY24 Budget Proposal, including an expense and revenue level of $46,262,590, supporting 277 FTEs, plus 15 new positions to include the Fee Ordinance adjustments to meet revenue demands.” Paul Stefano seconded this movement. All Building Development Commission board members voted in agreement of the movement and the motion passed unanimously.
Mecklenburg County Web Services announced a new version of to go live the evening of April 5 which will affect, but not customer portals EPM, contractor dashboard, Meck-SI, or WebInspector. The change is taking place due to a County change in web management vendors. The design change is mostly visual/aesthetic – but there will be some substantive structural changes as well.