Certificate of Compliance (CC)

A Certificate of Compliance is required by the North Carolina General Statutes to represent that the scope of work, as described in the permit documents, is complete (finaled). At the conclusion of all completed work done under a permit, including all applicable Building, Electrical, Mechanical, Plumbing, or Fire Code regulations, the Code Enforcement Official will final that particular permit (B, E, M, P). The contractor/customer will be able to request a Certificate of Compliance (CC) via the Code Enforcement Online Permitting System for each completed permit.

A Certificate of Compliance is NOT a Certificate of Occupancy. No new building or part thereof may be occupied, no addition or enlargement of an existing building may be occupied, and no existing building that has been altered or moved may be occupied until Code Enforcement has issued a Certificate of Occupancy or Compliance. Violation of this section constitutes a misdemeanor under NCGS 160D-1116.​