Asbestos NESHAP Program and Regulations

Demolition and asbestos removal activities are subject to the National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Asbestos, commonly referred to as the Asbestos NESHAP.  Read Mecklenburg County Air Quality's (MCAQ) Asbestos NESHAP Program Brochure to learn more about the local program.

The term facility, as defined in the asbestos NESHAP, does not include residential buildings having four or fewer dwelling units.  Not sure if your residential project is subject?  Complete a Residential NESHAP Applicability Form (PDF or Word) and submit to MCAQ.


Our Suttle Avenue Offices Are Open to the Public 

The resources below are available so customers can conduct business with us electronically or over the phone:

  • Submit NESHAP demolition/renovation notifications through our GovOnline Portal
  • For renovation (asbestos removal) NESHAP notifications only, Pay AQ fees online.  Include the name and address of the building to be renovated in the comments section.
  • For Demolition and Move-Off permit information, please visit Mecklenburg County Code Enforcement’s demolition permitting page.
  • Find a complete list of email addresses and phone numbers on our Staff Directory Page.
  • If you are unsure how to proceed, please call 704-336-5430. 

​Submit your NESHAP notification online with GovOnline