Small Commercial Plan Review Services

Scope of Plan Review Services

Previously known as CTAC Plan Review, the Small Commercial Plan Review process performs plan review on small commercial upfit and renovation projects up to 10,000 sq. ft. primarily in the Business (B), Mercantile (M)  and Storage (S) occupancy classifications for compliance with the NC State Building Code. Projects utilizing this process must have all contractors selected and be permit-ready.

Performance Goal

Our performance goals are to complete the project review within five days from the date of plan acceptance.


Small Commercial Electronic Plan Submittal

The complete Small Commercial process — permitting, plan submittal, and plan review — can be accomplished from your computer. Code Enforcement customers with an established Contractor account and properly licensed, can submit a permit application and attach the electronic plans in PDF format. Projects must fit within the list of acceptable project types listed further down this page. Project must also meet the Project Submittal Requirements listed below.



 Small Commercial Walk-Thru Review Program

The Small Commercial Walk-Thru Review Program is an incentive program for Architects & Engineers (A/E's) who are ranked as "superior performers" in Mecklenburg County's A/E Pass Rate Program. The program allows a superior-performing design team to submit eligible small commercial projects (max. 2,500 sq. ft.) to be reviewed, approved and permitted on the same day. The design professionals on the team must all have an individual score of 85% or higher in the A/E Pass Rate Program and shall be present in the lobby for the entire review process. This program is offered daily from 8:30 - 10:30 a.m. on a first-come, first-served basis with no more than five projects reviewed per day. Program eligibility, submittal requirements and process description are provided below.