Commercial Plan Review Services


To administer and enforce the North Carolina Building Codes, standards, and regulations via review of commercial construction documents, prior to the issuance of permits, as required to protect the public's health, safety, and welfare.

To issue of all applicable permits required for the construction of commercial-use structures.

To assist owners, developers, architects, engineers, contractors and the public in understanding the requirements of the technical Codes and the permit issuance process.

Plan Review Terms to Know

View Your Plan Review Status

View Plan Review Status/StatMap

  1. Enter your project number and click Search.

  2. Click on the Plan Review Status link for reviewer contact information.

  3. Click on the “See All StatMap Notes” link for review comments.

Scope of Services

  • Fee-based plan review: On-Schedule, Express and Revisions to Approved Plans submissions.

  • Pre-submittal meetings to discuss technical code requirements for future anticipated project submissions: Preliminary Plan Review.

  • Post-review exit-meetings with the owner's and designer's representatives to resolve technical code requirements regarding code compliance of the submitted design documents.

  • Pre-permitting meetings with the owner's, designer's and contractor's representatives to ensure proper issuance of the required permits (for use during phased-construction projects and construction of multiple structures on the same site).

  • Issuance of commercial building, electrical, mechanical and plumbing permits.

  • Assistance with technology problems regarding EPS/EPR/EPM.

  • Assistance regarding design and constructability challenges which arise in the field; post-permit issuance.

Plan Review Options


Tom Smith, Code Enforcement Manager, Commercial Plan Review 

Eric Moore, Senior Manager for Commercial Plan Review & Inspections