Homeowner Internet Permitting (HIP)
Homeowner Permitting
A resident of Mecklenburg County that meets the homeowner requirements may secure a Homeowner Permit for work on their residential property (that is not deeded as a condominium). To be considered a homeowner the applicant must be able to answer yes to all the following questions:
Do you own the home?
Is your name on the Property Deed?
Is this your primary residence?
*Contractor licensure exemptions for Homeowners:
- Building license: NC General Statue 87-1 (b)(2)
- Electrical license: NC General Statue 87-43.1
- Mechanical/Plumbing license: NC General Statute 87-21
*Persons designated in a trust or as Power of Attorney do not qualify as a homeowner.
Things to know before applying for a Homeowner Permit
When creating a Homeowner Account, the homeowner is assuming responsibility for knowledge of building code, required inspections and requesting inspections in the appropriate order.
For residential projects costing less than $40,000, homeowners may apply for a building permit in person or on-line through their Homeowner Account.
For residential projects costing $40,000 or more, the homeowner may apply for a building permit, but is not eligible for a Homeowner Account. A bond account must be established and posted through Mecklenburg County and the homeowner follows the contractor permitting process. The homeowner is also required to complete an Owner Exemption Affidavit form declaring their ownership and that they live, or plan to live, in the home for a minimum of 12 months after project completion.
If the homeowner is performing their own trade work (electrical, mechanical, plumbing) a Homeowner Trade Work Certificate of Ownership form is required. If the trade work is connected to a building permit, the homewoner has the option to apply on-line and the form is uploaded during the on-line process. If the trade work is not connected to a building permit, this form must be submitted in person with the trade permit application(s).
A homeowner acting as their own trade contractor must personally install the electrical, mechanical, and/or plumbing work themselves.
Additional assistance may be found in the Homeowner Toolbox.
Homeowner Permitting Process
Homeowners have their own on-line dashboard where they may track their projects, make payments, apply for permits, print placards and request inspections under secure sign-in.
Homeowner creates a Homeowner Account from the Internet Permitting and Inspection System.
Building projects, such as interior renovation or structural repair, not requiring a plan review or zoning assessment, and without a Town/City/Agency permit hold, will be issued a permit after payment is received. NOTE: payment for the permit must occur within 7 days of the system notification that the permit is ready, or the permit will be automatically cancelled. If the permit is cancelled by the system, the application process starts again.
The homeowner completes the permit application (on-line or in person) by selecting the options on the permit application. The scope of work detail (what work is being done) will determine if a plan review is required, if a zoning assessment is needed or if there are address/permit holds. Zoning assessments and permit holds must be complete/released prior to a permit issuance.
The homeowner will upload supporting documents (i.e.: zoning plot plans, engineer letters etc.) to their permit application on their dashboard as required.
Payment for permits, plan review (if required), and inspections are completed through the on-line Homeowner Dashboard only.
Tracking of the permitting progress is accomplished through the Homeowner Dashboard.
Homeowner Accounts are pay-as-you-go. Homeowners will pay, on-line for each permit, plan review (if required) and each inspection. The base permit fee is $60.00 per trade involved (building, electrical, mechanical, plumbing). The plan review fee (if required) is $45.00 per trade involved.
Inspection requests are submitted through the Homeowner Dashboard only. Inspection fee per visit is $45.00. An inspection trip is limited to 30 minutes.
Inspection results are available in the Homeowner Dashboard.