Find appropriate permitting requirements for your construction project.
One of the primary responsibilities of Mecklenburg County Code Enforcement is to issue building, electrical, plumbing and mechanical permits as required by North Carolina General Statute 160D-1110. The Land Use & Environmental Services Agency Fee Ordinance contains information on permitting and other fees.
Appropriate permits are required for Commercial Work related to any new construction, reconstruction, alteration, repair, movement to another site, removal or demolition of any building. Permits are also required for the installation, extension, alteration or general repair of electrical, mechanical or plumbing systems.
Permits are also required for Residential Work on one- and two-family dwellings and townhomes related to any new construction, reconstruction, alteration, repair, movement to another site, removal or demolition of any building. Permits are also required for the installation, extension, alteration or general repair of electrical, mechanical or plumbing systems. However, permits may not be required for any projects with work costing $40,000 or less, unless the work involves:
The addition, repair, or replacement of load bearing structures
The addition or change in the design of a plumbing system
The addition, replacement or change in the design of a heating or air conditioning system
The addition, replacement or change in the design of an electrical system
The use of materials not permitted by the code
The addition of roofing, excluding replacement of like grade fire resistance material
Permits are required to be grouped by the specific project and paid for by the general contractor or the homeowner acting as their own general contractor. Separate permits are required for building, electrical, heating, air conditioning and plumbing work. Most commercial projects and residential new construction and additions require plan review. Our permitting services are organized into the following service streams: